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As Democrats continue their panic over the latest vacancy on the Supreme Court, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threatening impeachment if President Trump dares to move forward with his constitutional duty to fill the position, the Republican National Committee is holding the left accountable to their own standard. 

In a new ad released over the weekend, Democrats like former Vice President Joe Biden, twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Speaker Pelosi, Senator Bernie Sanders and others explain why it is essential the President nominate someone to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court. 

Meanwhile, President Trump said during an interview with Fox and Friends Monday morning he plans to announce a nominee at the end of the week. 

"I think it will be on Friday or Saturday and we want to pay respect, it looks like we will probably have services on Thursday or Friday, as I understand it, and I think we should, with respect for Justice Ginsburg, wait for services to be over, so Friday or Saturday," he said. "I'm looking at five, probably four, very seriously. I'm going to make a decision on either Friday or Saturday and I will announce it on Friday or Saturday...these are the finest people in the nation. Young people."

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